EAD E130

8372651-origpic-5375daE130 has gone through a second face lift. Most noticable is the new taylored aluminum chassis. Then we added a new rim, spider, motor and a new stronger glue. This gave us a design that can take a lot of ”abuse” with a more linear behaviour. The new motor now gives us an 89dB sensitivity, and a range from 35Hz up to around 19Khz, making it almost a full range 6.5” bass unit which can be easily combined with a number of tweeters in a 2-way system, or even used as a single unit, (but a 2 way system is recommended). In combination with our new E60, you get numerous crossover options from 120 to 2,5Khz. Why not try a linear array of 4, 9 or even 16x E60 units for example? We kept the dual coil and made Qt lower (0.46 in 8Ohm). For the advanced designer the dual coil gives a number of options, firstly by connecting the two coils in single, series or parallel mode (16,8 or 32 Ohm), but then also when connecting multiple drivers from 2 to endless linear arrays. By shorting one coil with a resistor for example, you can also get even more options, controlling the Q. (Qts will come down to almost half by simply shortening the second coil). E130 now also comes with individual parameters included in each box!


Thiele/Small Parameters, 1 coil (16 ohm)”Title: Measured Parameters””Method: Fixed-Mmd (11.000 grams)””DCR mode: Fixed (12.20 ohms)”

”Area (Sd): 138.93 sq cm”

”Series resistance: 75.00 ohms”

”Stimulus level: 3.83 volts”

”SPLref reference impedance: 8 ohms”

”Large units (volume = liters, mass = grams)”

0.987 ”RMSE-free Ohms”

35 ”Fs Hz”

12.200 ”Re Ohms”

48.799 ”Res Ohms”

3.721 ”Qms ”

0.930 ”Qes ”

0.744 ”Qts ”

0.144 ”L1 mH”

2.000 ”L2 mH”

4.030 ”R2 Ohms”

0.000 ”RMSE-load Ohms”

45.048 ”Vas(Sd) liters”

11.927 ”Mms(Sd) grams”

1661.746 ”Cms(Sd) æM/Newton”

5.928 ”Bl(Sd) Tesla-M”

83.446 ”SPLref(Sd) dB ”

0.007 ”Rub-index ”

X-max +/- 6.3mm (12.6 m.m. p-p)

Power 60W cont. 100W Max. In music


Thiele/Small Parameters, 2 coils in parallel (8 ohm)”Title: Measured Parameters””Method: Fixed-Mmd (11.000 grams)””DCR mode: Fixed (6.20 ohms)”

”Area (Sd): 138.93 sq cm”

”Series resistance: 75.00 ohms”

”Stimulus level: 3.83 volts”

”SPLref reference impedance: 8 ohms”

”Large units (volume = liters, mass = grams)”

0.890 ”RMSE-free Ohms”

35 ”Fs Hz”

6.200 ”Re Ohms”

48.555 ”Res Ohms”

3.647 ”Qms ”

0.466 ”Qes ”

0.413 ”Qts ”

0.121 ”L1 mH”

1.816 ”L2 mH”

4.019 ”R2 Ohms”

0.000 ”RMSE-load Ohms”

45.607 ”Vas(Sd) liters”

11.927 ”Mms(Sd) grams”

1682.354 ”Cms(Sd) æM/Newton”

5.954 ”Bl(Sd) Tesla-M”

89.363 ”SPLref(Sd) dB[8 ohms]”

0.007 ”Rub-index ”

X-max +/- 6.3mm (12.6 m.m. p-p)

Power 60W cont. 100W Max. In music


Thiele/Small Parameters, 2 coils series (32 Ohms)N/A Will come soon.X-max +/- 6.3mm (12.6 m.m. p-p)Power 60W cont. 100W Max. In music



EAD E130 



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